_How-to Build a Roof

Ideally every Earthbench project will have a roof to protect it. A roof will ensure the Earthbench is protected for decades to come - it will also provide shade and rain protection for those who sit on the bench. If you are building with cob it is pretty much a requirement to build a roof to protect your bench. There are ways to protect a cob bench with a roof, but you need expert natural builder experience in order to do so. This would involve using a durable water resistant plaster and reapplying boiled linseed oil every year or two to maintain water resistance.
Below are some pictures of different bench roofs that have been built around the world, for ideas. If you are working on a school site you will need a licensed contractor. If permitting is not an issue, then a very simple roof to keep the rain off the Earthbench is more than adequate!
Below are some pictures of different bench roofs that have been built around the world, for ideas. If you are working on a school site you will need a licensed contractor. If permitting is not an issue, then a very simple roof to keep the rain off the Earthbench is more than adequate!