How-To Build Peace on Earthbench
Here are all the different steps of how to build a Peace on Earthbench. If you are looking to build an Earthbench using earthen building techniques, it is highly recommended you receive help and consultation from a natural builder. If an experienced natural builder is not available, or if a roof or durable plaster cannot be built to protect the bench, then it is recommended to use cement mortar instead. For more information, project proposal estimates, or consultation estimates, please email Brennan Bird at [email protected]
- Earthbench Process PDF (simple bench without back)
- Earthbench Process PDF (bench design with back)
Here are all the different steps of how to build a Peace on Earthbench. If you are looking to build an Earthbench using earthen building techniques, it is highly recommended you receive help and consultation from a natural builder. If an experienced natural builder is not available, or if a roof or durable plaster cannot be built to protect the bench, then it is recommended to use cement mortar instead. For more information, project proposal estimates, or consultation estimates, please email Brennan Bird at [email protected]
- Earthbench Process PDF (simple bench without back)
- Earthbench Process PDF (bench design with back)